News: from Lorna


I loved the whole inauguration. What a great speech Obama delivered. What he will be able to do in his second term no one knows, but his heart is definitely on the right side of history and the majority feeling in the country regarding gun control, education, gays and the environment. Also, I was especially moved by the poem written and read by the poet Richard Blanco, it was so poignant and timely.

I've had a lot of good feedback from those viewing my You Tube,

With the start of the New Year, I must say I'm feeling more optimistic - maybe I'm through with all my seemingly karmic health issues and am ready and hopeful about getting work. I'm casting bread upon the waters: talking to auction houses and investigating inspirational speaking. Have to have the patience and faith that some of that bread will float back to me in some form or another. I've engaged a young woman to help me with my social media. I'm of the generation where it all seems overwhelming - I learn something and then promptly forget it, so I need someone to do it for me.

I made a New Year resolution which I've been true to, and that is, once I get up in the morning not to go back to bed. For ages, unless I had a morning appointment, I got up, turned off the alarm and snuggled back to bed for another hour. I'd be thinking, "what am I getting up for, I have nothing to do?" And of course by the time I did get up, half the morning had gone and I felt like such a loser and 'out of the loop.'

The first week it was a real battle but I'd just stand there until the fuzzy sleepy feeling evaporated and now I'm someone who gets up in the morning and stays up. It's made such a difference to my outlook and general feelings of well-being. And it seems that the Universe has responded by giving me more to do so that I feel more engaged.

Having so many health issues over the last few years and so many physical mishaps not only drained my body but sapped my emotional and spiritual well-being, coming back from that sort of gloom has been a challenge. But I haven't done it alone, little-by-little, with love and support from friends and the daily immersion in my recovery program, all served to restore me to a lighter, more spontaneous place.

For Christmas a friend gave me the DVD - Bill W. A Documentary. It is so powerful and fills me with awe what he went through and endured so that I, and millions like me, can walk on the wide highway.

It's bitterly cold here in New York today - I'm supposed to fly to Chicago this Friday where I understand it's much colder and windy!


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Lorna Kelly
P.O. Box 33
New York, NY 10028