News: from Lorna

Mar 31, 2014, SPRING!!

I know I'm English because I always want to first talk about the weather.

Well, the weather has been something to talk, or I should say, moan about. What a horrid, relentless winter and for me it's been even more gloomy since I haven't been off this island of Manhattan since I returned from retreat on January 1st. My eyes have not rested on countryside in three months! No wonder I'm so excited to be leaving for Ireland, England and France in a few weeks - I don't care if it rains I just want OUT.

When it's like this I find myself wanting to hibernate and not do much although I do seem to pack quite a bit into a day. It was really cold again this morning but I did force myself to go to the gym, do some weight training and then swim - I manage to do that at least three times a week but I don't, don't, don't like exercising. And I don't even feel fantastic when it's over, I just do it, like flossing my teeth.

Now, as I look out the window, it's bright, sunny and warm - maybe, just maybe, Spring is really here to stay - I do hope so.

As I said, I'm going to Ireland, arriving in Dublin and taking the bus across the country to Limerick - I hear its a great ride. Staying on the West Coast for a few days, then returning to Dublin for an overnight before flying on to London for another week and then taking the train to Paris. I will post on my FB page as I go.

A second TEDx talk I gave in February, here in New York at the Manhattan Institute of Technology, is now up on my website as well as a talk I gave in Connecticut back in November to a Catholic group.

I haven't written for a while because, as you can see, I don't have that much to say. Hopefully, in the coming months it will be different. Hope you're all well and thriving. love,


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Lorna Kelly
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