News: from Lorna

Aug 10, 2011, Update on Lorna, from Joan

Lorna has been in the ICU for the past nine days. Hopefully, today will be her last in the ICU and she'll be moved to the regular ward.

Lorna's recovery has been progressing nicely--though not without its dramatic moments. Yesterday's crisis was a "blood-letting" of sorts. Lorna was sitting propped up in an armchair when she felt something damp at her side. It turned out that blood and fluids were pouring out of her incision and running down her leg, puddling at her feet. She went through nine hospital gowns before the nurses could stanch the flow. Not surprisingly, Lorna was terrified through it all; the nurses, on the other hand were delighted--pleased that her incision was draining so nicely!

Trust Lorna to find the up side. The fright of standing in a pool of blood was compensated, she says, by having her own stigmata in her side.


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